Cuomo’s ‘Reimagine Education’ Technology Plan Is Doomed to Fail
If attention is driving the digital economy, MINDFULNESS determines profitability.

New Bitcoin Book (It Only Looks Like It’s About Education)
Public high school principal Nadav Zeimer takes readers through an in-depth evaluation of how digital technology is poised to transform education. Zeimer’s solution-focused construct, academic capital, eliminates the need for standardized tests in favor of youth media creation.

Discussing #DigitalNativeAcademicCredits on GBA Podcast
Listen here to Mr. Zeimer discussing #DigitalNativeAcademicCredits with GBA’s Gerard Daché following Nadav’s appearance as a speaker at the GBA Conference.

Cryptology Podcast Appearance

A Response to Current Trends in the Human-Digital Interface
This is an investment in youth media as a proxy for exam scores. Literally investing in our future by giving a monthly cash infusion to those who show the greatest promise as digital natives. The resulting network of youth voices will cause an explosion of young creativity and vision to the mainstream narrative because cash-strapped media companies will have a free trove of high quality youth voices to use in their broadcasts.

Literacy and Grammar in a New Age: The Opportunity to Teach Video Literacy in Teacher Certification Programs to Foster 21st Century Literacy in All Subject Areas
In the past few decades, our culture shifted from print-based to screen-based information consumption. Focusing on videos, in particular, US adults spend almost six hours a day watching videos, either through their televisions or on their phones, tablets, and...

The Legacy of the Committee of Ten
In the United States, education is the responsibility of local not federal authority since before the constitution was ratified. National conversations about education were left to non-government organizations. In 1857 the National Teachers Association (NTA) was...

Can an Income Share Agreement Work in Education? Ask The Lambda School
At the Lambda School, you don’t have to worry about where you’ll find the money to pay your tuition bill. In fact, you don’t have to pay any upfront cost at all. In place of tuition, students agree to pay a percentage of their income once they find a job, and only if...

What is the Reggio Emilia Approach to Education?
The Reggio Emilia approach is an early childhood education model that is a student-centered approach using experiential learning in relationship-driven environments. It’s frequently recognized as one of the best programs for young children around the world. Reggio...

Inside the First Public School AI Program in America
Artificial intelligence was once something only seen in science fiction movies. Now, it’s something that’s being incorporated into public school curriculum. For the fall 2018 school year, the Montour School District, located near Pittsburgh, introduced an artificial...